


MetroHunters combine Augmented Reality and gamification to create interactive experiences that will captivate your audience and elevate your brand. We are at the forefront of marketing evolution, embodying the principles of Marketing 5.0. Engineered for the future, our platform leverages augmented reality and data-driven insights to create an unparalleled user experience. By placing the human element at the core of our strategies, we deliver impactful and resonant brand engagement. With MetroHunters, marketing becomes an immersive, ongoing dialogue that builds meaningful communities around brands.


Focus on using advanced technologies to enhance every customer interaction
Components include augmented, data-driven, predictive, and contextual elements
Revolution lies in the transformative use of technology while keeping the human element central to decision-making


Focus on Integrating digital technology and online platforms


Focus on human values and emotional engagement


Shift focus to understanding and fulfilling customer needs


Focus exclusively on the product's features and benefits


Blending human psychology, precision targeting through geolocation, and the principles of Marketing 5.0 to benefit both brands and users, MetroHunters is a comprehensive brand engagement platform cleverly disguised as your audience's new favorite app

Engineered for Engagement

MetroHunters is a cutting-edge platform specially designed to capture user attention, marrying gaming psychology with precision marketing to transform ordinary app users into enthusiastic brand ambassadors

Interactive AR Journey

From the moment users open the app, users enter an immersive world designed to incentivize engagement with your brand. Within this AR landscape, they encounter rewards and challenges that capture their attention and create memorable experiences directly tied to your brand

Geolocation: Precision Marketing at Your Fingertips

MetroHunters leverages advanced geolocation technology to allow brands to reach their customers precisely when and where it matters most.
Our geolocation features give brands unparalleled control over their campaigns. Whether you're aiming to drive foot traffic to a retail location, engage fans at a sporting event, or capture attention at a festival, our platform enables you to launch location-specific offers and advertisements that can be activated within a defined geographical radius.
By offering real-time, location-based interactions, MetroHunters makes traditional marketing strategies more dynamic and user-centric, opening up new avenues for creativity and engagement.
This intelligent use of geolocation creates a two-fold benefit: brands can engage customers with personalized, timely offers, and users get to enjoy a more interactive, rewarding experience. The end result is a marketing strategy that is not just efficient, but also fun and engaging for everyone involved.

Gamification: Elevating Marketing Through Psychology

At MetroHunters, we've integrated principles of gamification into our platform to create a highly interactive and rewarding user experience. Our approach revolves around key psychological triggers such as reward loops and competition to keep users continuously engaged.
Reward loops keep users coming back by offering immediate gratification and long-term incentives. Each action on MetroHunters can result in a tangible reward, prompting players to repeatedly engage with your brand. This cycle not only enhances the user experience but also encourages brand loyalty.
Competition, another potent psychological driver, adds an exciting layer to the MetroHunters experience. By creating competitive elements, we instill a sense of urgency and rivalry that motivates users to keep playing and achieving.
When combined, these psychological triggers create a powerful, addictive engagement tool. The result is a fun, memorable experience that not only entertains users but also deepens their relationship with your brand. In this way, MetroHunters turns every interaction into an opportunity for enduring brand loyalty.


Traditional advertising is obsolete and consumers have become ad-blind, crippling your efforts to capture attention and ignite engagement

Facing Marketing Challenges

Traditional marketing channels like TV, print, and digital ads are losing their effectiveness, intensifying the cutthroat competition among brands for consumer attention. As consumers become increasingly desensitized, the struggle for mindshare escalates

The Rise of Obstacles

Compounding the issue, the rise of ad-blocker software and 'banner blindness' are making these traditional approaches even less effective. This has created a critical need for a disruptive approach to brand engagement

Introducing MetroHunters

Enter MetroHunters. We offer more than just a workaround; we provide a game-changing solution. Leveraging immersive Augmented Reality gaming and precision geolocation, our platform goes far beyond passive viewing to rejuvenate brand engagement with interactive experiences

Advanced Features for Engagement

MetroHunters offers your brand an unprecedented opportunity. We captivate audiences in a way that is both engaging and contextually relevant. By switching from traditional methods to our interactive platform, you can cut through the noise and offer a revitalized marketing strategy that genuinely engages your target audience

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MetroHunters Ltd. © 2023

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